How to Delete Google My Activity Search History - Gmail

Go to the search box in Gmail; Type the first part of the search you want to delete; When the dropdown appears with one of the options you don't want, hover over that option with your mouse; An "x" will appear on the right side of that entry - click it to remove that search from your Gmail search history Go to and sign in with your user and password. If you want to remove the suggested searches go to the gmail search box and click with your mouse. All your recent searches will appear (see image below) For each search you can click on the X to delete it from your gmail history. Gmail Android APP. Open gmail App. Tap on the Menu (Three To delete these terms through your web browser from your search history so they no longer auto-populate, click the "X" that appears to the right after typing your keywords in the Gmail search bar. Welcome to My Activity. Data helps make Google services more useful for you. Sign in to review and manage your activity, including things you’ve searched for, websites you’ve visited, and videos you’ve watched.

Keep showing your new searches on this page and use them in search suggestions Clear your search history This will clear your Bing search history on this device.

How to Permanently Delete Your Google History The processes we have detailed in this article are great for helping you to erase history, delete Google history, and delete Gmail account. It will go some way to ensure that Google cannot track your online activity. But there is plenty more you can do to protect your privacy online.

Jan 08, 2018

How do I delete gmail search history? - Google Support The auto-complete suggestions offered in the Gmail search box are not actually "history" - they includes the previous searches you've made in Gmail. After the latest update, the search now includes your contacts, and the content of your email messages (and/or attachments). Bing - Search History Your search history isn't available right now. Check back later How to Remove Gmail Search History - Web Applications Click on the search box. When you will click on the search text box then you will see the list of search keyword history. When you will mouseover on a search item then you will see a cross (Delete) button on the right side. You have to click on this button to delete a search keyword. You can delete all search history one by one.