Server Name: Your server name can be anything longer than 4 characters and you can change it anytime on the control panel. Memory (RAM) This is how much memory your server can use before it crashes. It is measured in megabytes. Storage Limit
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Nov 25, 2019 · In the Cloud Shell, create a server in Azure Database for MySQL with the az mysql server create command. In the following command, substitute a unique server name for the
Create and save this script with any file name and a .php extension, like "mysql_test.php," in the www directory, which is the same location as the phpinfo.php script from above. If you click on Run script in the PHP drop down, you'll see the output of the script in the output window. You can try the other commands available in the PHP drop down.
It retrieve the server configuration. It is not reliable since its value can be modified. It is more reliable as its value comes from sever configuration. Syntax: $_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’] Syntax: $_SERVER[‘SERVER_NAME’] It gives the domain name of the host where the request is fulfilled. It gives the server name specified in host Free Web Hosting with PHP Support - Tech Journey If you can live with all these downside and host your websites on a free web host which supports PHP, here is a none complete list of available free web hosting providers with PHP support, and brief summary of hosts features. – 1 domain hosted with 100 MB data storage and 3 GB data transfer. Supports PHP, Perl and CGI-BIN. Tutorial - Installing PHP on Windows Server IIS Aug 15, 2018