Keeping your search history private when a friend borrows your phone can be difficult. Follow these steps to clear out saved searches on your Google account and adjust settings for future searches.
Jul 10, 2017 · Google knows quite a lot about you based on your search history. That’s kind of the point of search, to learn about people and serve them relevant advertising. But fortunately, the company’s user-facing tools allow you to remove that knowledge at your leisure. Welcome to My Activity. Data helps make Google services more useful for you. Sign in to review and manage your activity, including things you’ve searched for, websites you’ve visited, and videos you’ve watched. Keep showing your new searches on this page and use them in search suggestions Clear your search history This will clear your Bing search history on this device. Your search history isn't available right now. Check back later
Oct 06, 2015 · The first method is directly through the Play Store app and this is the recommended way to clear out your Google Play Store search history. The steps are as follows: Open the Google Play Store app. Oct 22, 2018 · Because Gmail doesn’t support bulk clear search history on Gmail. In case, if you’re using Gmail app and want or need to clear its search history then keep reading. How To Clear Search History on Gmail App | Android. Unlike Gmail online application. Gmail app has an option to clear search history, it’s a matter of fact.
This will enable you to clear google search history on your iPad. Method 4: Clear Google Search History on iPad through Browser (Recoverable) This method can be used on any browser to delete Google search history. Step 1: Open any browser you use. Step 2: Enter "" in the address bar of the browser.
Aug 06, 2019 · Go to and sign into your Google account.On the left side of the screen click on ‘Delete activity by’.You can either ‘Delete by topic or product’ or ‘Delete by date’.If you choose to ‘Delete by topic’, you can search for specific products or topics you want to delete from your history.If you choose to ‘Delete by date’, select the date range you want to